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Nasi Goreng Kambing (Mutton Fried Rice)

In 2011 an online poll by 35,000 people held by CNN International chose Nasi Goreng as the number two of their ‘World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods’ list after rendang. Nasi Goreng is best made from leftover rice that cold or in a room temperature. Actually there are many kind recipes of Nasi Goreng, the common are:

  • Nasi goreng ayam (Chicken Fried Rice): the most common nasi goreng with chicken, spices and sweet soy sauce, the color is golden brown
  • Nasi goreng istimewa (Special Fried Rice) : usually refer to nasi goreng ayam with addition of fried eggs as topping
  • Nasi goreng sapi (Beef Fried Rice): nasi goreng with beef.
  • Nasi goreng kambing (Mutton Fried Rice): nasi goreng with mutton.
  • Nasi goreng ati ampela (Chicken Gizzard and Liver Fried Rice): nasi goreng with chicken gizzard and liver.
  • Nasi goreng pete (Pete Fried Rice): nasi goreng with green stinky beans, the combo variation of nasi goreng kambing-pete is also popular
  • Nasi goreng sea food (Fride Rice with seafood): nasi goreng with seafood such as cuttlefish, prawns, shellfish and fish
  • Nasi goreng ikan asin : Fried Rice with salted fish usually without sweet soy sauce, as the result the color is paler than regular nasi goreng
  • Nasi goreng AcehAceh style spicy shrimp Fried Rice
  • Nasi goreng teri Medan: Fried Rice with salted anchovy, specialty of Medan, North Sumatra
  • Nasi goreng Jawa Timur: East Javanese style of Fried Rice, similar with nasi goreng ayam, but sweet soy sauce is replaced with tomato and chili sauce, as the result the color is red instead of golden brown. The Makassar nasi goreng also red, similar to this one
  • Nasi goreng Magelangan: Central JavaneseMagelang style of chicken fried rice mixed with noodles, it can be considered as the crossover between fried rice and fried noodle.

Today i would like to share recipe of Mutton Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kambing). It is delicious and spicy. It is suitable for winter or cold season.


  • 500gr steamed rice (cold / room temperature)
  • 200gr mutton, cubed and tenderized. (we can tenderize the mutton by using two spoon of papaya powder,sprinkle it on the mutton and left it for 30 minutes)
  • 6 tablespoon of margarine
  • 50gr white cabbage, sliced thinly.
  • 5 table spoon of sweet soy sauce (or as you desired)
  • salt

Grinded Ingredients:

  • 8 shallots
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 3 red chilies
  • 2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 block shrim paste (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin


  1. Heat the margarine and saute all the grinded ingredients until fragrant and color changed.
  2. Add the mutton, cook the mutton until it tender and absorb the spices.
  3. Add the steamed rice, sweet soy sauce, salt and white cabbage.
  4. Stir it for 3 or 4 minutes. Ready to be served.
  5. Indonesian people usually served the fried rice with fried shallots, slices of fresh tomato,slices of fresh cucumber or pickles (from cucumber) and green chili eye’s bird.


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